Klaus Lendzian Archive


I’m the director of the Klaus Lendzian Archive (KLA), an organization founded in 2018 to preserve and promote the life and music of the late Seattle guitarist-composer Klaus Lendzian (1943-2009). In time, there’ll be another website to find all things Klaus, but for now this page will showcase a sampling of the work I do for the KLA.

Basically, here's the 10-year plan, Klaus recorded 159 original compositions for solo guitar. I’m going to transcribe them all and then write master’s / doctoral dissertations focusing on his harmonic language. As of September 2024, I’m halfway done! These transcriptions are my pride and joy (second only to my students ☺️), so I’ve shared a selection of them below!

If any of these catch your ear or eye, check out some of Klaus’s full albums on YouTube! Stillpoint: Tales Without Words was the album that kicked all of this off for me, and was the album that brought him some amount of local fame in the Seattle folk scene of the 80’s.

Underneath the transcriptions, I’ve uploaded the master plans for the KLA, one for Preservation and the other for Promotion.
Completing all tasks on both lists will likely not happen in my lifetime, but are delineated for future torch bearers!